Frequently Asked Questions

How do we join? 

Complete a membership application online. You will have to pay annual membership fees of $85. You may also contact us and let us know of your interest. If you’re undecided on joining, you can visit a meeting and see whether Scouting and Pack 79 are a good fit for you.

Once you have applied, we will assign you to a den and notify the den leader. He or she will contact you and tell you when the den meets. The Cubmaster will invite you to pack activities.  

What day and time are the meetings? How often do you meet?

Dens typically meet once per month. Most dens meet on a weekday evening, usually at 6:00 or 6:30 pm. Den meetings last one hour.

On the third Wednesday of each month, all dens come together for a pack meeting. These meetings start at 6:30 pm and last one hour.

For incoming Lions (kindergarteners), meeting times won’t be set until the den forms and we have a den leader. The den leader, along with the parents, will pick a day and time that works best. 

How much does it cost?

Scouting America charges annual membership fees of $85; however, popcorn sales allow the pack to cover a portion of each Scout's dues. The Scout will also need to purchase the necessary uniform pieces and handbook for each rank as they advance.

We ask that each Scout do their best in the annual popcorn sale. Funds raised allow the pack to cover the full cost of pack activities and awards. 

We're new to this. Is there more information?

The Cub Scout Family Information Guide contains basic information and answers to common questions for new families.

You may also contact us to ask specific questions or to find out how to visit a pack or den meeting.

Cub Scout Pack 79

Chartered by Chatham-Auburn Memorial VFW Post 4763
Chatham, IL

Pack 79 Facebook Page